
Talk about John missed Savannah deeply

John and Savannah fall in love at a first sight, and they don’t company with each other for a long time. I think that John missed Savannah so much because they didn’t know each other well. I think it’s a temporary infatuation.
In my opinion, it’s important to keep good relationship of love by realizing each other. You should spend much time observing and understanding your mate, such as their personality, family and lifestyle.

This novel is romantic, so it focuses on John and Savannah ’s love story. But if it’s in reality, I think that they will face many challenges and problems. I can not imagine this situation, freakily speaking.


Share experience of distant-love

I know this emotion mixed with anticipation and anxiety. You would worry about his reaction when you find him, and you just think about what is your opening. Do I say “Long time no see”. Or just give him a big hug and not need to say anything This is so strange and magical feeling, so I can understand John’s sensation completely.


Discuss their conflict and fighting

They don’t communicate with each other well. It’s not just the problem between John and Savannah . I think many couples would face the same situation.

I hope that if you are angry at me, you should express your feeling directly and calmly. I think I am a rational person. If I really did something wrong, I would examine myself and apologize to you sincerely.

So, I can not accept indifferent and silent attitude, just like what John had done. It would make me crazy and unbearable. Especially, when I express my apology actively, you should not sneer at me or pour cold water on me. That’s what I care about.

So, I think the biggest problem between John and Savannah is that they hide their feeling and refuse to share with others. They just guess and don’t talk about its, maybe they are afraid of hurting their relationship if they tell the truth.

But, I think it’s important and necessary to have a conflict with others. By this process, you can know your family, friends and lover more. If your relationship becomes worse, it means that you are not appropriate for each other. But at least, you have the courage to try it and face your own feeling.


When you have a conflict with someone, what would you do

Calm down. It can avoid hurting each other and regretting after that. Then, you should find the opportunity to talk and know each other’s mind. You can’t pretend nothing happened.


What do you think about changing the mind of Savannah

It’s a pity, but I don’t blame her because I know the pain of keeping distant-love. You can’t go shopping or watch TV with your lover, and you can’t just sit together and enjoy this peaceful moment. Besides, people would change by time. Now you think that he is so good for you. But after that, maybe you would find out he isn’t suitable and perfect enough. So, I can understand Savannah ’s feeling. Maybe she had tried hard, but it didn’t succeed in the end. After all, you can’t ask or decide someone’s mind. At least, Savannah told the truth and didn’t want to cheat John. It’s a right way to solve the problem, and I think it’s fair to make John decide his future without Savannah .

Words & sentences:(Just a part, not the whole)
smug:沾沾自喜的 dainty:優雅的 lovesick:害相思病的 head over heel:從頭到腳 barrack:兵營 
off the mark
:離題 fluorescent:螢光的 crook:使彎曲 pine:渴望 ambush:襲擊、埋伏 
:深深地影響;Despair overwhelmed me. 我心裡非常失望 set off:使爆炸 pile up:累積 
:舉杯慶祝、向~敬酒 esoteric:只有少數人了解的、深奧的 journal:日記、報紙、期刊 
beat dismiss:解僱、解散、駁回 fling:放肆、恣意(這裡指「講難聽一點」、「說實在話」) 
:陰沉的、抑鬱的 rig up:裝飾 mortal:與生命攸關的 splurge:炫耀、浪費、揮霍 
:鼻音 tangible:明確的、具體的 exclusive:排除的、專有的、單獨的 pore:熟讀、仔細研究 
ship off
:送往 maneuver:演習、策略、技倆 onslaught:猛攻、突襲 
:朝三暮四、反覆無常 frostbite:凍傷 hypothermia:體溫過低 
:頌揚;salute an organization for its humanitarian work 讚揚某機構所做的人道工作
:感謝 navigation:航海、航空 antsy:焦慮不安的 
:劇本、情節 make up:彌補 look forward to:期待 speculate:揣測、猜想 
:迂迴 spot:偵查、辨認出 tiptoe:踮起腳尖輕聲地走 arctic:北極 
:飄送、傳遞 imperceptibly:細微地、不被察覺地 squirm:侷促不安 gallop:奔馳 
:開始明白;Realization of the danger soon dawned on us.我們慢慢地有一些危機意識
:不確定的 waddle:搖擺而行 cozycomfortable limp:跛行 inning:一局(棒球用語) 
:零星的、稀疏的 indescribably:無法形容地 trail:冗長地說、拖曳而行 venture:大膽表示 
:抑制、壓抑;stifled my indignation 壓抑我的憤怒 recruit:恢復健康 trot:疾走 
:新月形麵包 zig:改變方向 commencement:畢業典禮 egghead:書生、書呆子

accentuate:強調、使明顯 exotic:異國的、華麗的 shebang:全部、一切 intimidation:恫嚇 
tit-for-tat:還擊 go too far:做得太過分了 patio:庭院 remnant:殘餘、遺跡 
legitimate:合理的;a legitimate solution to the problem 解決問題的合理方法 
take hold:成為風氣 muster:振作;mustering up her strength for the ordeal 鼓起她的力量通過考驗 
exaggerate:誇大、誇張 akinsimilar counter:還擊 ditch:丟棄(俚語) humiliate:使丟臉、屈辱 
swelter:悶熱 spontaneous:自然的、天然的 rehearse:排演 simmer:心中鬱積、大發脾氣 

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