目前分類:外語 (6)

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Does it make sense about divorce laws in California ?

Frances should pay the alimony for her husband because she made much money. Although she didn’t do something wrong, she still had to pay for that money. I think that it is so unfair and ridiculous because Frances ’ husband had an affair. He wanted to get divorce and had a good life with his new wife and newborn baby. I can’t imagine about how painful Frances should bear with. She didn’t get any compensation and apology. This guy is so hateful and cold, I can’t believe that he had such courage to offer this dishonorable opinion to Frances .

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這並不是我第一次辦讀書會,然而的確是英文閱讀與口說的 First time。之所以會選《Dear John》做為小說閱讀的開路先鋒,純粹是誤打誤撞的運氣──因為在選書之前,我們都沒看過相關作品(包括由原著改編成電影的《最後一封情書》)。幸運地,歷經六週的閱讀及討論,我們都很喜歡《Dear John》這本小說,對於之後的讀書會也更有信心了。

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Talk about John missed Savannah deeply

John and Savannah fall in love at a first sight, and they don’t company with each other for a long time. I think that John missed Savannah so much because they didn’t know each other well. I think it’s a temporary infatuation.
In my opinion, it’s important to keep good relationship of love by realizing each other. You should spend much time observing and understanding your mate, such as their personality, family and lifestyle.

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Discuss the effect of love attitude from our parents

Savannah said that she wants to keep the relationship of love, just like her parents always get along with others. My parents have an influence on my attitude of love.

My father is humorous, generous to friends and family. When I was a child, he took us to travel on vacation and celebrated our birthday. So, my family always fills with warm atmosphere.

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What do you think about tattoos

Sometimes tattoos is regarded as art and beauty, but it also make people associate with violence. I appreciate the person who knows the meanings of their tattoos, such as love, friendship or honor. I can not accept somebody just follow others and don’t realize what they have done completely.

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About Prologue
John cares about Savannah although they can not love each other and be together. John drives his car to Savannah ’s home. He waits and looks at her at a distance. I think until now, John still loves Savannah deeply.


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