Discuss the effect of love attitude from our parents

Savannah said that she wants to keep the relationship of love, just like her parents always get along with others. My parents have an influence on my attitude of love.

My father is humorous, generous to friends and family. When I was a child, he took us to travel on vacation and celebrated our birthday. So, my family always fills with warm atmosphere.

However, sometimes my parents don’t have a good communication with each other. They don’t come up with their own emotion and thoughts, such as financial condition or life tension. I think both of them are excellent father and mother, but I want to my spouse that can talk and share everything with me. We can laugh and enjoy in a good situation, console and encourage each other when we meet the crisis. The experience of my parents gives me big inspiration to think about who is appropriate for me.


About “Peaceful silence”

I think it’s not easy. Sometimes when we company with others in silence, we would feel a little embarrassed and uncomfortable. Unless getting together with our family, intimate friends or lovers, we can not enjoy this peaceful and silent moment.

Page 166 said, “He stood without moving, as if trying to absorb my pain in the hope of taking it from me and making it his own.” It expresses the real meaning of peaceful silence. John’s dad cares about John deeply. They don’t need to say anything, but they are together in spirit. I like this valuable feeling. If I can get similar experience, I would feel better when being in a bad mood.


Would you share your past with your couple

I think that I wouldn’t talk about my past actively. But if John asks me, and he doesn’t care about what I said, I would tell the truth honestly. In fact, I think that past is just past. When you are curious about the love experience of spouse, you should take it easy. If you are a jealous person, you shouldn’t ask your couple’s past. It’s good for you, really.


Savannah and John have a quarrel about John’s dad. Do you think Savannah is right

I think it’s so hard to handle it well. But if I were Savannah, I wouldn’t express my thoughts directly like her way. I would spend much time companying with John’s Dad no matter he has Asperger’s or not. Because most people usually can not accept who has mental disease (psychosis), I think it’s not a good idea to judge others like this way. Sometimes you would offend others, and it’s a rude and impolite behavior.

Discuss about Tim

He is a graceful and gentle person. Although he understands that Savannah just regards him as a close friend, Tim still gives her a blessing and hopes that Savannah can find who she loves. It’s not easy, indeed. If we love someone very much, we can not admit who we love to fall in love with others. So, I admire Tim’s personality. He realizes that how to treasure who he cares about, and releases goodwill to his competitor of love, such as John.


Share with experience of writing letters

It’s so romantic to write letters to who you like. When I studied in senior high school, I wrote numerous letters with my classmates. We talk our life and future, we talk what we worried and curious about. It’s an unforgettable experience of my life. Although we have a long time not to connect with each other, I still cherish this memory in my mind. Those letters gives me courage and confidence to do what I want, although it’s just a childish and small thing. I also wrote “exchange diary” with my close friends in junior and senior high. The best thing is that you can share with your common secret with partners. You can get the accomplishment and confidence of group. It’s interesting that now I’m not in mood for doing everything with others. Sometimes, I just want to be alone and enjoy this peaceful silence.

Words & Sentences:(Just a part, not the whole)
enormous:巨大的 hit the spot:令人滿意的 confess:承認、告解、聲明 flippant:輕率的 
gorgeous:絢麗的、才氣縱橫的、令人高興的 flirtatious:調情的、戲謔的 self-consciousness:自覺 
marvel:令人驚奇的 defy the normbeat the odds:挑戰常規 intrigue:引起~好奇心 
reluctantly:不情願地 out of the blue:出其不意地 instinct:本能、天賦 subdue:使緘默、減弱 
cliche:陳腔濫調、老梗 summon:召喚、傳喚 woozy:頭暈的 rigid:僵硬的 world-weary:厭世的
suppress:鎮壓、制止、屏除 misinterpret:誤解 take into account:考慮 obsess:著迷於 
idyllic:田園詩般的、美好的、悠閒的 gnaw:侵蝕、使苦惱 sandwich:像三明治一樣被夾在中間(V.) 
clench:牢牢抓住、揪緊 melancholy:憂鬱的、悲傷的 indecision:優柔寡斷、猶豫不決 
chasten:壓抑、抑制 perplex:使困惑 browse:瀏覽 gloomy:令人沮喪的、悲觀的 draw out:拖長 
register:登記、註冊 get along:關係出現進展 stiffen:使變硬、使變黏稠 apprehension:憂慮 
pull away:變本加厲 retard:減慢、延緩 spectrum:範圍 mild:輕微的 snarl:厲聲說道、咆哮 
quiver:顫抖 inaudible:聽不見的 charade:比手畫腳的猜字遊戲 whirl:旋轉、急走 candor:坦率 
adrenaline:腎上腺素 surge:洶湧、奔騰 knock off:停止 wince:畏懼 fret:使不安、使煩躁 
outrage:施暴力於、使憤怒 subterfuge:藉口 veer:改變方向 sensation:感覺、知覺 bruise:受傷 

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